Mas machine monitor
SW product of KOVOSVIT MAS, enabling monitoring of machine time utilization including graphical reporting.
This product is a software – MAS MACHINE MONITOR, which allows the customer to monitor the time utilization of the machine during the shift online, or to view the history of operating conditions and thus subsequently take measures in production and logistics. All this is possible in a visualization program that is installed on the customer’s PC.
Another feature is MAS GSM MONITOR – monitoring of selected machine statuses via the mobile operator’s network to selected telephone numbers by SMS. The employee can thus react immediately to an event, even if he is not present at the machine.
Examples of events are – “machine running in cycle”, “machine on and not running”, “machine in error” or “machine off”. This data is processed by the external module and sends mobile messages to the persons responsible for the machine operation. Similarly, the responsible person can send an SMS which is transformed as a command to the machine. For example, “job finished – turn off machine”.
Remote diagnostics at KOVOSVIT MAS offers customers:
- Reduced machine downtime by determining the fault OnLine, i.e. in the shortest possible time
- Repair or elimination of the fault in the shortest possible time
- Optimization of machine operation by technological support
- Provision of additional product - Machine Utilization Report and online monitoring via network, GSM monitoring, etc.
MAS GSM MONITOR - GSM module function:
- Up to 5 phone numbers can be defined via the touch panel, which can be used to monitor and control the machine.
- Each phone number can be set to send messages when the machine is changed:
- SMS off
- SMS on for each change
- SMS on for every change after a set time interval
- Sending SMS only on machine failure or on receipt of a user M-code
- There are two ways to set up messaging:
- Via the touch panel
- By sending an SMS message to the module number - e.g. the message "SMS ZAP" activates sending messages to the sender's phone number every time a change is made. Of course, the command is only accepted for predefined phone numbers.
- The current status of the machine can also be queried by sending an SMS message of the form "STATUS"
- In the technological program, the user M-code can be called when a certain condition is met (e.g. production of a certain number of pieces, etc.), which causes the SMS "Prijata uzivatelska M-function" to be sent. The SMS is sent to all activated phone numbers.
- Up to 2 user signals can be controlled via SMS from a predefined number. These signals enter the PLC machine into the technological program where they can be used for various actions. In this way, the machine behaviour can be controlled remotely (e.g. stopping the machine after the current part is finished, changing production to another part type, etc.).
MAS MACHINE MONITOR - Machine usage report and online monitoring via network:
- The basis is a server program that monitors the status of up to 5 machines. The individual machines are connected to the server via Ethernet. The server periodically (typically 1sec) detects the status of each machine and, when a change is detected, stores a time stamp and status code in the selected file of the corresponding machine.
- A client program is used to display the state of the machines, which reads the server files and displays them.The client program can run on another PC within the LAN and then uses a shared directory to access the files. Of course, there can be more client programs running on the LAN.
- A client program has the following properties:
- Display of the current machine status in a set time resolution, display of the percentage of utilization in a given interval.
- Browsing the machine usage history, again displaying the percentage utilization in a given interval.
Other features:
- Extension of the number of monitored machines.
- Sending e-mail messages when machine status changes.
- Detailed statistics for selected machines
- Printing option